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Laatste update september 2021          

1. Felicitatiemars A. Peters ext plugin
2. Swinging Glenn Miller
medley arr. Hans-Egon Häußer ext plugin
3. Londonderry Air (Danny Boy)
arr. Jérôme Naulais ext_plugin
4. African Symphony medley Van McCoy, arr. Naohiro Iwai ext plugin
5. Bella Ciao
Tom Stanford
ext plugin
6. Böhmischer Traum
Norbert Gälle – arr. Siegfried Rundel ext_plugin
7. Queen of the Dolomites   Jacob de Haan ext plugin
8. Viva la France medley Frank Bernaerts ext plugin
9. Cleopatra The Last Queen of Egypt Thierry Deleruyelle ext plugin
10 Braveheart Jan van Kraeydonck ext_plugin
11. When you believe
uit “The Prince of Egypt”
arr. Wim Stalman
ext plugin
12. De Purp’ren Hei wals
13. Fiesta en el pueblo  Spaanse pd Leon Vliex ext_plugin
14. To my Country koraal uit Symphony no. 3 Bernard Zweers, arr. Johan de Mey ext_plugin
15. Mexico Life
medley Walter Tuschla
ext plugin
16. Oblivion Astor Piazzolla, arr. Michèl Smeets ext_plugin
17. Junioren Mars mars Johan Wichers ext plugin
18. Von Guren Mächten arr. Martin Scharnagl ext plugin
19. Sway  (Quien sera) Pablo Beltran Ruiz – arr. Michael Brown ext plugin
20. Guus Meeuwis & Vagant medley arr. Thom Zigterman ext plugin
21. Orion Slow march Jan van der Roost ext plugin
22. The Rose
ballade arr. Frank Bernaerts (gezongen) ext plugin
23. The Glory of Love arr. Johan de Mey ext_plugin
24. Coldplay on Stage medley arr. Michael Brown ext_plugin
25. André Rieu Walsmedley arr. Jef Bakermans ext plugin
26. The Sound of Silence Moderate ballad arr. James L. Hosay ext plugin 
27. The Lion King Medley arr. John Higgins ext_plugin
28. Märchenwalzer wals Heinz-Peter Kramer ext plugin
29. Wien bleibt Wien Oostenrijkse mars Johann Schrammel, arr Jef Bakermans ext_plugin
30. Evergreen Grüße, deel I medley arr. Walter Tuschla ext plugin
Evergreen Grúße, deel II medley arr. Walter Tuschla  (slechte opname) ext plugin
31. Where Eagles Soar  balade Steven Reineke ext plugin
32.  Songs of he Sea medley Johnnie Vinson ext plugin
33. I dreamed a dream ballade  Claude M. Schönberg, arr. Michael Brown  ext plugin
34. Tom Jones in Concert medley arr. Gilbert Tinner ext plugin
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37. Wilhelmus van Nassouwe volkslied arr. Walther Boer
38. Sinatra in concert medley arr. Jerry Nowak ext plugin
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42. Wir bitten zum Tango Tango medley arr. Jef Bakermans
43. To a Friend ballade Jacob de Haan ext plugin
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45. The Eagles in Concert medley arr. Ron Sebregts ext plugin
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47. Cent Mille Chansons chanson arr. Larry Foster ext plugin
48. No Time te Die filmsong James Bondfilm arr. Michael Brown ext plugin
49. Cantabile for Winds Robe Ares ext plugin
50. Ave Maria no Morro (trompetversie J.Last) Herivelto Martins, bew. Jef Bakermans ext plugin